But I had you going there, for just a moment, didn’t I?
We all have those DOH! moments when our brain disengages and fails to take notice of what our body is doing in its absence.
I could blame this on getting older, but to be truthful I’ve always done this sort of thing – perhaps it is my ADD – or perhaps it is just a human thing.
My usual morning routine after breakfast is to assemble my work day ensemble, take my underwear into the bathroom, shower etc, then wear said underthings back to my bedroom to put on the rest of my clothes (thrilling, I know).
I’m not sure why I feel the need to bring my underwear into the bathroom; I share the house with three cats and being cats they don’t give a fig what I wear or don’t wear around the house (or if they do, they wisely keep it to themselves).
This morning after my bathroom routine I turned around to get my underwear – not there. I distinctly remembered retrieving the underwear from Mt Clean Laundry in the spare room. I had definitely meant to take the underwear into the bathroom, but had obviously gotten distracted along the way.
And so, buck nekked, I searched all the usual spots around house where I might have left the underwear: ironing board, lounge room, dining room, back to the bedroom, back to Mt Clean Laundry – nothing. I searched again – nothing. I was tempted to look in the fridge, but I have yet to act on my occasional impulse to put random objects (such as tea kettles) in the fridge, but I’m sure it will happen someday.
Finally I gave up and put on other underwear.
Then, almost magically, I knew where the missing underwear was hiding! Like had called to like. My body had stuck the clean undies and bra in the dirty laundry basket. I’m sure my body had some very good reason for putting them in there, but my brain is still none the wiser.
Mystery solved, sort of…
This is a "brief" editorial about where men's underwear fashions are headed. In the last decade or so, the men's underwear departments in retail stores have blossomed from drab white to a plethora of color. Even sexy men's thongs and colorful men's micro bikini briefs are merchandised front and center in mainstream retail.