Monday, December 21, 2009

The Primrose Path Of Tiger's Dalliance

The other day on ABC Radio National a sports manager was being interviewed about how Tiger Woods' extra-marital affairs might hurt his career. He likened Tiger's woes to a Shakespearean tragedy. This got me thinking: If Tiger Woods' story was a Shakespearean tragedy which one would it be?

Titus Andronicus. A play about Romans and Goths. Hmmmm - nope. (Didn't know they had Goths back then. lol)

Romeo and Juliet. A play about star-crossed lovers who choose to die rather than live without each other. Hmmmm – nope, again.

Othello. Play about a Moor (Othello) married to the beautiful Desdemona. Othello kills Desdemona after being fooled into believing lies about her infidelity. Well, only if the roles got reversed and the lies were truth – so, reluctantly, no.

King Lear. Play about a King who tries to act wisely, but fails miserably.  Definitely, no.

Macbeth. This is where Macbeth, a Scottish nobleman, stages a palace coup with the help of witches, but fails. Definitely no - unless there is an interesting side to Tiger's story we don't know about.

Julius Caesar. Play about a guy who pisses off his friends and rivals, who proceed to stab him in the back (over and over again). Possible, but no.

Antony & Cleopatra. Antony lets his affair with Egyptian Queen Cleopatra get in the way of his aim to take over Rome. Close, but no cigar.

Coriolanus. Another in the series of Roman plays. Doesn't really get a guernsey here. And I don't mean a cow.

Timon of Athens. This play is about a rich misanthrope who tries to buy friendship and in the process gives away all his money. He becomes a hermit and dies in the wilderness. Spookily prophetic - but, no.

Troilus and Cressida. All about the Trojan War. Didn't see Tiger in the cast list - so, no.

Hamlet.  This is Shakespeare's most famous tragedy of all, and the one that seems to fit the bill.  It is a play about a prince who can't make his mind up and sends the woman who loves him mad.

The sports manager was right: Tiger's story is a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.

Next I'll tackle the comedies...

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