Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Name is Bloodoracle and I am Afraid of Clowns

There - I have publicly outed myself - I am a Coulrophobe.

Well, maybe not anymore - but I was as a child. My response to clowns is now much more rational - I just hate the creepy bastards! Need less to say Stephen King's It and the movie Poltergeist really give me the screaming heebee geebees.

Now there is news that a clown is about to be sent into space (the founder of Circe de Soleil has payed for trip to the International Space Station).

This should definitely set a precedent. As far as I am concerned all clowns should be shot into space and left there. Maybe we could send a clown-ship to Mars - it is already the right colour. Come to think of it, perhaps we could send their cousins the Mimes as well. Don't get me started...

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